Gone Dancing

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I’m quite direct, I feel as though that’s not common:

I’d like to think I’m an honest guy, with an ability to self-reflect and self-assess.

The idea of dancing around issues, rather than addressing them, in the context of a relationship is how this song came about.

“Gone, never coming round here no more, I’m on the naughty list for that guy Santa Claus, for all the trouble that I’ve caused” is me self-assessing and reflecting. There are 3 sides to a story, and although this situation has become one I feel I can no longer tolerate, I am understanding of, and honest about, the fact that I too have made mistakes. The reason I can no longer tolerate this situation is the fact that, instead of addressing issues, we seem to be dancing around them.

“Like USA, she built a wall, in 7 days of talking, not to blow my trumpet, walls had fallen, and I marched on to Jericho” is testament to my upbringing in a Chrisitan household, and a reference to the biblical story of The City of Jericho, in which after 7 days of marching and blowing trumpets, (praising the Lord) the walls of the city fell. I use this, and a reference to Donald Trump building a wall for the US Border, to describe my initial feelings of joy and bliss in the relationship. A relationship into which my partner came into with issues from her past, issues that I was able to break past and through, to see the most glorious version of my partner. That opportunity, to truly connect with someone, to break through and really connect with them, is something I’m blessed to have experienced and am evidently proud of… everything started out so well.

So what changed?

Well, as time progressed and issues arose, as aforementioned, I found we were unable to be direct in the resolution of those issues. Until we reached a state where the relationship could no longer go on, despite my best efforts, and I found myself “in the waters, trying to swim me to the shore of foreign borders” = a situation in which I lost my familiar relation with the ship: the comfort zone that kept me away from new, uncomfortable, unchartered waters/areas.

It’s sad that it came to this, “I was never type to be romantic, but love has left me, love has definitely left me torn apart”

Hence why I’m “Gone, never coming round here no more”

Check out the lyrics here


In loving memory of my grandparents.

Born For Greatness On This Side.


Calm Before The Storm


Wretch’s Cadet